9 research outputs found

    Microneedles: A New Frontier in Nanomedicine Delivery

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    This review aims to concisely chart the development of two individual research fields, namely nanomedicines, with specific emphasis on nanoparticles (NP) and microparticles (MP), and microneedle (MN) technologies, which have, in the recent past, been exploited in combinatorial approaches for the efficient delivery of a variety of medicinal agents across the skin. This is an emerging and exciting area of pharmaceutical sciences research within the remit of transdermal drug delivery and as such will undoubtedly continue to grow with the emergence of new formulation and fabrication methodologies for particles and MN. Firstly, the fundamental aspects of skin architecture and structure are outlined, with particular reference to their influence on NP and MP penetration. Following on from this, a variety of different particles are described, as are the diverse range of MN modalities currently under development. The review concludes by highlighting some of the novel delivery systems which have been described in the literature exploiting these two approaches and directs the reader towards emerging uses for nanomedicines in combination with MN

    Social security reform and economic development: The case of India

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    Rapid ageing presents an unprecedented policy challenge for the provision of social security, especially for lower income countries. These challenges have been exacerbated by the current fragile global macro-economic environment on one hand, and domestic public policy constraints on the other. There is, however, increasing consensus among policymakers and stakeholders on the role of social safety nets in protecting the vulnerable against adverse shocks, and on the role of social security systems in fostering economic growth and development. The main functions of any retirement programme, usually referred to as a social security system, are to smooth out consumption over a lifetime, to ensure that retirement benefits last until death and are sufficient to avoid poverty in old age on a universal basis

    Tracking India within precambrian supercontinent cycles

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    The term supercontinent generally implies grouping of formerly dispersed continents and/or their fragments in a close packing accounting for about 75% of earth’s landmass in a given interval of geologic time. The assembly and disruption of supercontinents rely on plate tectonic processes, and therefore, much speculation is involved particularly considering the debates surrounding the applicability of differential plate motion, the key to plate tectonics during the early Precambrian. The presence of Precambrian orogenic belts in all major continents is often considered as the marker of ancient collisional or accretionary sutures, which provide us clues to the history of periodic assembly of ancient supercontinents. Testing of any model assembly/breakup depends on precise age data and paleomagnetic pole reconstruction. The record of dispersal of the continents and release of enormous stress lie in extensional geological features, such as rift valleys, regionally extensive flood basalts, granite-rhyolite terrane, anorthosite complexes, mafic dyke swarms, and remnants of ancient mid-oceanic ridges. Indian shield with extensive Precambrian rock records is known to bear signatures of the past supercontinents in a fragmentary manner. Vast tracts of Precambrian rocks exposed in peninsular India and in the Lesser Himalaya and the Shillong plateau further north and east provide valuable clues to global tectonic reconstructions and the geodynamics of the respective periods. The Indian shield is a mosaic of Archean cratonic nuclei surrounded by Proterozoic orogenic belts, which preserve the records of geologic events since the Paleoarchean/Eoarchean. Here we discuss the sojourn of the Indian plate from the Archean through Proterozoic, in light of available models for supercontinent assembly and breakup in the Precambrian. We also discuss the issues in constraining the configuration, which is mainly due to scanty exposures, lack of reliable paleomagnetic poles from different cratons, and their time of formation or amalgamation. In this chapter, we briefly review Precambrian geology of India to track her participation in the making of the supercontinents through time.Sarbani Patranabis-Deb, Dilip Saha, and M. Santos